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2017 | Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Program:  theater, opened and closed exposition area, coffee shop, workshop rooms, administrative space, meeting rooms, restaurant, parking lot. 

The Center for Events and Conventions stands on a site with great declivity. Therefore its implementation was based on the level contours, in order to involve them, generating a building with a shape that resembles an eye

There are many ways of access to the complex. As a pedestrian the entry is made after crossing the entrance park, when the user arrives at the building’s reception. 

There are parking lots in all three levels. The first parking lot is on the ground floor, arranged following the site’s natural lines, including park space for cars and minibuses.

To access the parking spaces below, cars follow the way to a ramp that surrounds the buindings north facade, creating an interesting and unique landscape. Due to the building’s two blocks volumetry, two docks were needed.


An exclusive structural grid was estabilished to involve the building’s eye shape. 


The complex consists of two blocks, the main one with all the fuctions of the Center for Conventions, and the secondary one with the theater. Internally, the vertical flow takes place by accessible ramps on the north facade. Externally, there is a footbridge access to the mast that leads directly to the theater and plaza below.


The center of conventions and events aims to become a space that encourages the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and cultural identities. Located in a privileged site in Belo Horizonte, in high altitude, the enterprise has the potential of becoming a city landmark.

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